You just shred some sweet potatoes (no need to peel) and sautee them in a bit of oil, about 5 minutes then add to your favorite bbq sauce and simmer for 10 min. My favorite sauce is Guava BBQ Sauce made from 1 cup guava paste, 6 tbl cider vinegar, 1/4 cup bourbon, 1/4 cup tomato paste, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice, 1 tbl soy sauce, 2 tsp ketchup, 2 tsp vegan worchestershire, 2 tbl minced onion, 1 tbl minced fresh ginger and 2 cloves minced garlic. Combine everything, heat up in a saucepan and simmer for 10 min.
Ingredients: Makes 12, 2 inch Biscuits Wet: 1/4 cup almond milk (use coconut milk or other non dairy milk to make nut-free) 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 cup pumpkin puree chilled . I used canned. Chill atleast for an hour 2 Tablespoons safflower or coconut oil or softened vegan butter(I used safflower) 1/3 – 1/2 tsp salt a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg 1 Tbsp maple syrup
Dry: 1 cup unbleached white flour 1/2 cup spelt or whole wheat flour 2.5 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda 1 Tbsp chopped fresh Sage or 2 tsp dried 1/2 to 1 tsp dried thyme
Variation: add roasted garlic, add other herbs. Use 1 to 2 Tbsp more vegan butter for flakier biscuits.
Method: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. In a bowl mix almond milk, vinegar, lemon juice and let sit to curdle for 2 minutes. Add chilled pumpkin puree, oil/butter, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, maple, Mix well. In another bowl, mix the flours and baking powder and soda. Mix in the sage and thyme.
Add the flour mixture to the wet. Mix well. The mixture will appear dry at first. Get your hands in there if needed to make a soft somewhat sticky dough. Add more non dairy milk or flour if needed, do not over-mix or knead.
Pat the dough onto parchment to about a 1/2-3/4 inch thick. Use a little flour if needed if the dough is sticky. Cut the biscuits using a 2 inch cookie cutter or biscuit cutter. Place on parchment, push the center a little with a finger to make an indent, brush safflower/coconut/melted vegan butter on top.
Bake for 12 to 13 minutes. Let cool for 2 minutes or so as the biscuits will still be cooking on the inside. Serve warm with a dollop of vegan butter or jam or gravy. Cool completely and refrigerate in air tight container until ready to use. Warm in the oven before serving.
½ cup trail mix that has been soaked in hot water for 10 minutes and drained (optional)
Maple Cashew Frosting
1 cup cashews (soaked overnight)
⅓ cup coconut oil
3 tbsp maple syrup
½ tsp vanilla
2 tsp lemon juice
Squeeze as much liquid out of the carrots as you can.
Combine the carrots, coconuts, dates, cinnamon, ginger, allspice and coconut flour in a food processor and pulse until they come together. It should be easy to form in to shapes. Try pressing some between your fingers to make sure it's sticking. If you are adding the trail mix, stir it in by hand.
Prepare the pan of your choice by lining it with parchment paper. You can use a cake pan, loaf pan, muffin tins or make patties like I did.
Put your cake in the freezer while you make the frosting.
Put the cashews, coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla and lemon juice in a high-powered blender. Mix until completely smooth. If it get's warm while you are blending it, let it cool a bit before frosting your cakes.
Using an offset spatula or a large spoon, spread the frosting over the top of the cake or cupcakes. If you are making a layer cake, don't overfill the middle layers or it will ooze out the sides.
Top with coconut and keep chilled in fridge until ready to serve.
1 can young green jackfruit in brine (unsweetened) I bought mine from a local Asian Market
1-2 T. liquid smoke (mine is concentrated, so I only used 1 T.)
1 T. Bragg’s liquid aminos or coconut aminos for those with soy allergies
1 T. extra virgin olive oil or melted unrefined coconut oil
2 T. pure maple syrup
1 t. – 1 T. ground black pepper (depending on how peppery you want your bacon)
1 t. balsamic vinegar
1 t. unsulphered molasses
1/2 t. sea salt (optional)
Method:Rinse and drain the jackfruit. Press lightly onto clean kitchen towels to drain any excess moisture. Slice jackfruit into very thin strips with a filet knife, it’s okay if some of it shreds. Jackfruit is kinda shreddy like that.Press sliced jackfruit on the clean kitchen towels again to remove additional moisture. Place jackfruit slices in a medium bowl. In a small bowl, whisktogether all the other ingredients to form the marinade. Pour marinade over the sliced jackfruit and gently toss to coat with your hands. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes to let the jackfruit absorb the flavors. Preheatyour oven to 425°. Lightly oil a large rimmed baking sheet and arrange the jackfruit slices on it so they don’t overlap. Bake for 25-30 minutes, stirring a time or two and watching to make sure the jackfruit bacon doesn’t burn and that it gets nice and crispy (a fine line). Remove from oven and spread onto paper towels and let cool a bit before use.
2 cups wood chips soaked in water (apple or cherry)
1 pound whole trumpet/king oyster mushrooms
1 each head kale, finely sliced (chiffonade)
2 each carrots, peeled and grated
1 each red onion, julienned
1 cup vegan mayonnaise
4 tablespoons sugar
½ cup apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup BBQ sauce
4 each sandwich rolls
1. Heat the grill to between 600° and 700° F. If using a gas grill, spread the drained wood chips in the smoking box and place it on the hottest part of the grill. If using a charcoal grill, place the drained wood chips directly on the coals. Allow chips to heat for 15 minutes until they start smoking.
2. Then, place mushrooms on grill and cook for 20 minutes until darkened, but do not allow them to burn. When mushrooms are done cooking, allow them to cool slightly, then shred with a fork.
3. Meanwhile, to make the slaw, mix together the kale, carrots, and onion in a large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, mix vegan mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, sugar, and crushed red pepper. Whisk to combine, then pour over the slaw and incorporate.
4. Heat oil in a saucepan, add mushrooms and BBQ sauce, and sauté until sauce is caramelized and has coated the mushrooms.
5. To assemble the sandwich, place kale slaw on the bun and top with mushroom mixture. Bon appetit.
Ingredientes: _1 taza de harina de arroz glutinoso (mochiko) os aconsejo que lo conpréis en tiendas de alimentación chinas o por internet porque la harina de arroz que venden en los supermercados no es de arroz glutinoso y no sirve para esta receta
_1 cucharada de azucar blanca
_1/4 cucharita de sal
_Maicena o fécula de maíz
_3/4 de taza de agua o 190 ml
1.Ponemos en un bol la harina con el azúcar y la sal y vamos poniendo poco a poco las 3/4 partes de agua amasando bien para que no salgan grumos.
2.Ponemos una lámina de plástico transparente y dejamos una abertura, lo metemos en el microondas 3 minutos a potencia máxima.
3.Sacar del microondas con cuidado porque estará caliente y mezclar, utilizar una cuchara de madera o plástico, amasar un minuto.
4.Volver a meter a poner la lámina de plástico dejando una abertura y meter al microondas un minuto más.
5.Sacar y amasar con movimientos circulares de arriba a abajo durante 5 minutos.
6. Poner maicena en la encimera, la tabla de cortar o un recipiente y colocar la masa encima, darle la vuelta a la masa y partirla en trozos con ayuda de un cuchillo o espátula.
7. Para manejarla mejor impregnaros las manos de maicena, coger un trozo y estirarlo formando un círculo, poner el relleno (anko o una fresa y anko o chocolate) y cerrarlo estirando el mochi, se pegará por sí sólo.
Conservación: Guardarlos en tuppers herméticos para que no se hagan duros en la nevera, duran un par de días.
El daifuku o daifukumochi, es un dulce típico japonés, que habitual mente tomamos para celebrar el año nuevo. La base de este dulce es el mochi (pastel de arroz glutinoso) que envuelve un relleno dulce que suele ser anko, helado de té verde, o piezas de fruta como fresas. Muchas veces coloreamos la pasta de arroz que cubre el dulce, añadiendo sabores como fresa o en este caso té verde.
Aunque yo he utilizado el microondas, el método tradicional de elaborar mochi y daifuku, es el mochitsuki. Se vierte el arroz glutinoso, ya cocido, en grandes morteros de madera y se machaca manualmente con una gran maza también de madera. Es todo un espectáculo, mientras una persona amasa el arroz con las manos mojadas, la otra golpea con la maza. Es un ejercicio de sincronización, cuando la maza esta en el aire la ora persona introduce la mano mojada y mueve el arroz con gran rapidez , antes de que la maza vuelva a golpear de nuevo. Una coreografía que se repite hasta que el mochi final está preparado.
En Madrid y en Barcelona todos los años a mediados de Enero celebran el motchisuki, así que tenéis la oportunidad de verlo este año si desplazaros a Japón.
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos
Para preparar el mochi 100 gr de mochiko ( harina de arroz dulce) 60 gr de azúcar 125 ml agua Fécula de patata
Para preparar el relleno 60 ml nata 1 pizca de te verde 5 ml azúcar 160 gr anko (para 8 piezas)
Preparación / Pasos
Ponemos en un recipiente la nata, el azúcar y el té verde y lo batimos hasta llevarlo a punto de nieve.
Dividimos la crema en 8 partes y la guardamos en el congelador.
Dividimos el anko en 8 partes.
Ponemos la harina de arroz y el azúcar en un cuenco para microondas, añadimos el agua y lo mezclamos bien.
Lo cubrimos con film transparente y lo ponemos al microondas durante 2 minutos.
Mientras, espolvoreamos una bandeja con fécula de patata.
Sacamos la masa del microondas y la mezclamos de nuevo, la volvemos a cubrir y la ponemos de nuevo al microondas minuto y medio.
Sacamos la masa del microondas, la colocamos sobre la bandeja, espolvoreamos un poco de fécula de patata y dividimos la masa en 8 partes iguales.
Ponemos un poco de fécula de patata sobre la tabla y extendemos la masa, cubriéndola para que no se seque.
Ponemos la crema sobre la masa, encima el anko, y estirando la masa vamos cubriendo el relleno.
Repetimos el proceso, pellizcando la masa de fuera hacia dentro, hasta tener listas las 8 piezas.
- See more at:
Hasta hace unos días, desconocía completamente que eran losmochis.
El mochi es un dulce japonés hecho a base de arroz glutinoso. Se elabora machacando el arroz cocido y se hace una pasta añadiendo azúcar. Tradicionalmente van rellenos de una pasta de judías rojas aunque también se rellenan de helados, frutas, etc.
Hoy os quiero enseñar la receta de los mochis de chocolate en el interior. Dulce, sutil y cremoso.
Ingredientes para 12 unidades
50 gr de harina de arroz, 150 ml de agua, 100 gr de azúcar, maizena, 150 gr de nata líquida 35%MG y 200 gr de chocolate negro
Elaboración de los mochis con chocolate
Vamos a empezar a hacer el relleno de chocolate ya que necesita un rato de reposo para que endurezca.
En un cazo ponemos toda la nata líquida y la llevamos a ebullición. Mientras, picamos el chocolate bien fino y lo reservamos en un bol.
Una vez la nata hierva, la juntamos con el chocolate picado y lo mezclamos bien asegurándonos que el chocolate está completamente fundido. Los tapamos bien con papel film y lo enfriamos en la nevera.
Para preparar la pasta del mochi pondremos en un cazo la harina de arroz, el agua y el azúcar y lo calentaremos. Vamos removiendo hasta que empiece a espesar y bajamos un poco el fuego sin parar de remover. Irá espesando hasta que quede una masa blanca, pegajosa y compacta. En ese momento, la tiraremos encima del mármol donde habremos espolvoreado un poco de maizena. Lo dejamos temperar un poco.
Solo nos queda, porcionar la masa mochi, aplanar las porciones, poner en el centro una bolita de la crema de chocolate que hemos hecho antes y lo cerramos con cuidado.
Tiempo de elaboración | 30 minutos
Dificultad | Fácil
Las pastas mochi se acostumbran a servir cómo colofón de una buena comida o junto a los tes. Los mochis de chocolate de hoy son perfectos para levantar los ánimos a media tarde y se comen de un dulce bocado.
Seguro que podréis sorprender a los invitados con estas pastas de sabor curioso y nada habitual.
I have these adorable candy molds that I bought on Amazon. Perfect for DIY mini candy bars. And my favorite candy in my pre-vegan days ... Snickers. So today, a veganize-this recipe!..
Snickers bars. That gooey inside, combined with crunchy peanuts and a velvety chocolate coating. I was hooked.
On Halloween I would line up all my fun size Snickers, in a tidy row, counting them in glory. When trading sweets with my fellow trick-or-treaters I would value my Snickers as the most coveted treat, right up there with Reeses PB cups. You need to pay me two Twizzlers, a Dots, a Junior Mint, AND Milk Duds to get just one of my caramel and nugget-filled Snickers. And even then, I might not have budged on a deal.
But anyways. I apologize for bringing up Halloween in summertime. I don't want to be that person. I'm talking to you CVS/Pharmacy with your pumpkin and 'fall leaves' goodies just waiting to pounce on us.
Vegan Snickers. So when I realized that I could veganize those same cravable flavors and textures using just four main ingredients, I knew I had to share this recipe with you.
Vegan Snickers ... the video.
And even if you don't like straight up candy bars to nibble ... yes there are people like this .. just think of all the fun things you can do with these bars:
Chop them up try these fun ideas..
- Add them to some banana ice cream for a healthy-decadent treat, aka a dessert smoothie bowl. - Use them in place of chocolate chips for some super amazing cookies. - Fold them into a cashew or tofu cheesecake mixture for some vegan "Snickers" cheesecake insanity. Oh the possibilities... - Add them to my silky vanilla custard!
The four main ingredients? Virgin coconut oil, dark chocolate chips, Medjool dates and peanuts.
Nugget + Caramel in One. I decided to keep things really simple and make the Medjool date caramel act as both the caramel and the nugget, since it has a hearty bite, yet gooey caramel-like texture. Simple and delicious.
Four Ingredient Vegan Snickers
Kathy Patalsky Published 08/20/2015
These super easy "Snickers" inspired vegan candy bars contain five simple ingredients: dates, chocolate chips, coconut oil, peanuts and optional vanilla and salt.
1/3 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/3 cup virgin coconut oil
6 large Medjool dates - pitted
2 Tbsp water
1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
pinch of salt for date paste - optional
Also: 1/4 cup whole peanuts
In a blender or food processor, process the dates and water and optional vanilla extract and salt until smooth, whipped and creamy. Set aside.
Melt the chocolate and coconut oil together. You can warm them for 20-30 seconds in a microwave or in a small sauce pot on the stove.
Pour one teaspoon of the melted chocolate into the chocolate molds. Then place in freezer for 2 minutes, or until hardened.
Next, put 5-6 peanuts in each bar mold, then dollop the date caramel on top. Using a spoon or butter knife, press the date paste towards the middle of the mold, leaving room for the chocolate to cling to the edges and seal in the filling. Pour the remaining chocolate over top the peanuts and date paste.
Place bars back in the freezer to chill until hardened, usually at least five minutes. You can store the bars in a plastic bag in the freezer - they will keep well for up to a few weeks!